Contact Us 联络我们!

Main Office

En Community Services Society
2 Kallang Avenue CT Hub #06-14
Singapore 339407

Main Line


General Enquiries

Directions to CT Hub Main Office and Tri-Love Elderly @ CT Hub

13, 61, 67, 107, 133, 141, 145, 175, 961

East-West Line: Lavender MRT Station
Downtown Line: Bendemeer MRT Station

Contact Information / 联系信息

Feel free to drop any queries you might have. We will reply shortly.
请分享您可能有的任何疑问。 我们会尽快回复。

Personal Data Protection Act / 个人数据保护法(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Corporate Services

Mr Lim Hong Wee

Human Resource

Ms Julie Joseph

Social and Community Care

Mdm Fadzilah Arahman

Tri-Love Family (家庭教育)

Tri-Love Youth (青年部)

Tri-Love Elderly 三爱乐龄